GIRLFRIEND 19 Production Update

27 Jul

In my last post, I mentioned our continued search for an actor to play the role of Alex.  So far, so good.  We held callbacks last Thursday and will make our final decision soon.

Rehearsals with Cassidy and Chris have been going very well.  We work very well together and are enjoying the process very much.  There is nothing more exciting than taking characters from a script and bringing them to life.  It’s fun to see Chris and Cassidy slowly evolving into Rob and Bethany, respectively.

Chris and Cassidy casually discuss the script during a rehearsal.

Macha Suzuki, my production designer, has been working hard to develop the overall color scheme for our film.  He is an exceptionally gifted artist and I am  lucky to be working with him!

Macha & Melissa Suzuki discuss colors with Christopher Boghosian.

Thank you so much for the continued support and for following along with us.  This is my first feature-length film, so it’s a bit overwhelming at times; however, with a great cast and crew helping me and with friends like you, the process has been very enjoyable and rewarding thus far.



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2 Responses to “GIRLFRIEND 19 Production Update”

  1. Nuno Barreto July 27, 2010 at 6:50 pm #

    I can’t imagine how awkward the firs rehearsals must be.
    You should get the actors to rehearse the more demanding scenes first eheh…and film the awkwardness!

    • Christopher July 27, 2010 at 10:39 pm #

      Are you trying to get me killed, Nuno!!! LOL Filming awkwardness is a sure way to get the actors to conspire against me… LOL

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