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The Acquisition of Peace

1 Feb

While researching historical figures for my current script, I recently came across Saint Seraphim of Sarov, an 18th/19th century monk and mystic canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church in 1903.

Saint Seraphim is thought to have said, “Acquire a peaceful spirit, and thousands around you will be saved.”

I was deeply struck by this quote personally and professionally.  Not only did I wonder what my life would look like with a “peaceful spirit,” I also wondered what a film would look like with a “peaceful spirit.”  

I’m not sure if a person or a film can intentionally save thousands; however, one can certainly strive to have a peaceful spirit.  And a filmmaker can certainly strive to create a film with a peaceful spirit.

Polish Girls Gum

27 Jan

I’m often blown away by the ingenuity of my dreams.

Last night I dremt I was in a pharmacy full of goods. Amongst the items were “Polish Girls Gum” and “Russian Cavalry Gum.” They were both packaged in a foreign language with non-identifiable ingredients and nutritional facts; however, I somehow knew that the first imbued the chewer with the essence of Polish “girl-ness” and the second vicariously placed the chewer in the boots of a Russian cavalry soldier.

Definitely weird, yet it’s incredibly imaginative.

Sleep seems to be the perfect environment for creativity. First, there is no inhibition. I can dream about whatever I want, however I want, without boundaries nor censorship. Second, I use more of my brain while I dream. Things long forgotten often resurface in my sleep; I remember obscure data, song lyrics, even people’s voices. And finally, dreams are not bound by logic – they play by their own rules.

If only I could harness such ingenuity while awake?

Keep Your Vision to Yourself

25 Jan

If you do things differently, it’s best to keep your vision to yourself.

Whether you’re a filmmaker or a table maker, most people will not understand what you’re up to until they can actually see it.  So when you share your new idea, they’re perplexed, skeptical, and often speechless, leaving you insecure and doubtful.

Protect your vision; share it only with those you must, and only with those who have the imagination, wisdom, and grace to see and encourage you.

Real Artists Ship

24 Jan

Something Steve Jobs said has been on my mind lately: “Real artists ship.”

It’s not enough to think art.  It’s not enough to talk art.  It’s even not enough to make art.  Because, ultimately, the bona fide artist completes and delivers art.

Jobs could have used the word create.  Rather, he chose ship, a highly commercial term with an end-user implied (it reminds me of FedEx and  No doubt, Steve Jobs believed that artists need to serve a purpose beyond “art for art’s sake.”  In other words, the “real artist” creates a work of art and delivers it to others, who, in turn, engages with it.

Imagine if Steve Jobs thought about, talked about, and made the Macintosh computer, but did not ship it – scary!

It pains me to think of myself as a non-real anything, especially a non-real artist (a phony artist?).  Thinking, talking, even making is not enough.  If I am to consider myself the real deal in the art world, I need to ship; ship as though Mr. Jobs were my boss!

Major Corporations Trying to Shut Me Down!

18 Jan

My very blog is under attack by major corporations and the U.S. government.  Why?  This, from the ECA website:

Some of the worst legislation we’ve ever seen is currently before Congress.  Three pieces of legislation, H.R. 3261 in the House of Representatives and S. 968 and S. 978 in the Senate, would cripple the internet by stripping your due process rights and making everyday users wary that the next thing you post might get you sued or thrown in jail. 

Wanna learn more?  Wanna do something about it and protect your freedom of speech?  Here you go:


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