Inspiration: Getting Personal

2010 February 10
by Christopher

Not only am I inspired by the photography of Robert Adams, but by his writing as well.  This excerpt is from his book Beauty in Photography (2005).

Beauty in Photography, by Robert Adams, Aperture (June 15, 2005)

Though my main character is a woman and I am a man, I can make my film a personal matter by telling her story through my eyes, emotions and experience.  Ultimately, her strife and angst needs to be my own.  I must not write from detached observation, but rather from the gut, from my core being.

This film is not about being a woman; it’s about being human under certain circumstances.  And the way in which I depict being human will invariably spring from my own life. And let’s not forget about the actress who will play the woman; she will bring herself to the role as well.  As her director, I will encourage that she take ownership of the role and authentically give shape to a living, breathing soul.  Together we will create a unique fusion of life and experience in one character.

Here is one of my favorite photographs by Mr. Adams, which, thus far, suits the subject of my film very well.

Robert Adams, Housing Tract – Colorado Springs 1968

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8 Responses leave one →
  1. 2010 February 16


    Check out the photography of Graciela Iturbide. There was an exhibit at the Getty a couple of years ago.

    Her pictures are an inspiration for my current films.

    • 2010 February 16

      Thanks for the lead, Miguel… I checked out her photos – very active, yet poignant at the same time….

  2. 2010 February 16
    Susan permalink

    What’s interesting about this photograph to me is the neatly groomed lawn, the straight edges of the home and the bricks…and the woman inside and her pose–I wonder, who is she? Is the inside of her home just as intricately “put together?” Is SHE put together? Is the home a facade for something?

    • 2010 February 16

      Great questions. I absolutely LOVE this photo. I’ve seen many, yet this one continues to haunt me years after my first meeting with it. It really is incredible. Definitely one of Adams’ more memorable images….

  3. 2010 February 16
    Ben permalink

    Chris, it is great to see what you are up to. As always I miss you and love you!

    It is really this may with everything I think. Only when we put ourselves, our experience, our presence into what we do is it meaningful.

  4. 2010 February 16
    Melissa permalink

    i feel really inspired by your intentionality and ability to take in the world around you as a creator yourself. here is a quote that i thought you might appreciate. it’s from Mark Buchanan’s “The Rest of God: Restoring your soul by restoring sabbath” “maybe that’s what God requires most from us: our attention. Indeed, this is the essence of a sabbath heart: paying attention. It is being fully present, wholly awake, in each moment. It is the trained ability to inabit our own existence without remainder, so that even the simplest things-the in and out of our own breathing, the coolness of tiles on our bare feet, the way wind sculpts clouds into crocodiles or polar bears-gain the force of discovery and revelation.”

  5. 2010 February 17

    I am in complete agreement with the Robert Adams quote. In the end- thats what MOVES us, the creator- not the creation. In its most inspirational form, the creation tells the story of the creators experience in some way. I think its that humanity that I connect to most. I so appreciate that you get this and what’s more, you are living it.

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